
Co-deciding Europe project results

The CODE Europe project piloted a digital crowdsourcing process in six European countries on the subject of air quality. During the four crowdsourcing phases which ran from January 2022 till January 2023, a total of 98.224 European citizens participated on-line in Problem Mapping, Problem Solving, Ideas Selection and Policy Formulation. Based on the crowdsourced contributions […]

Co-deciding Europe project results Preberi več »

Digital crowdsourcing for better air quality in Europe

The hybrid conference shared experiences and discussed practical aspects of using crowdsourcing method for citizen’s e-participation in policy-making for better air quality in Europe. Experts, activists and policy-makers in the field of on-line engagement and environmental policies came together to highlight current challenges and presented innovative approaches in co-creating European and national air quality policies

Digital crowdsourcing for better air quality in Europe Preberi več »

On-line Citizen’s forum “European Debates” success factors and criteria assessment

Institute for Electronic Participation delivered an assessment presentation of the On-line Citizen’s forum “European Debates” at the workshop Reframing Democracy-Making Through Digital Tools held on 7th June 2022 in Warsaw, Poland. The workshop aimed to foster an exchange of success stories among experienced practitioners from Central and Eastern Europe who have developed and run digitally-based

On-line Citizen’s forum “European Debates” success factors and criteria assessment Preberi več »

E-Participation Assessment Framework

The assessment framework for e-participation (AFeP) is aimed to support a result-oriented implementation of e-participation for democratic governance in digital society. The framework, developed as a part of the Co-Deciding Europe project can be used as a theoretical platform for the elaboration of success criteria and success factors, for comparative assessment of e-participation initiatives, as

E-Participation Assessment Framework Preberi več »

Co-deciding Europe project website launched

CODE Europe is a project about empowering citizens to co-create policies with decision makers through Crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is a participatory democracy mechanism that takes advantage of the availability of technological solutions to solicit and analyse the »wisdom of the crowd«. The CODE Europe project will be piloting a Crowdsourcing activity in six European countries on

Co-deciding Europe project website launched Preberi več »