
Co-deciding Europe project results

The CODE Europe project piloted a digital crowdsourcing process in six European countries on the subject of air quality. During the four crowdsourcing phases which ran from January 2022 till January 2023, a total of 98.224 European citizens participated on-line in Problem Mapping, Problem Solving, Ideas Selection and Policy Formulation. Based on the crowdsourced contributions […]

Co-deciding Europe project results Preberi več »

Co-creating digital policies in Slovenia (CODIS) – project summary

The CODIS project has opened up and highlighted key challenges in democratic decision-making, public consultation and the relationship between civil society and the state in the field of digital transformation policy in Slovenia. Project summary highlights significant activities and achievements, main outcomes and impact as well the follow-up of the project.

Co-creating digital policies in Slovenia (CODIS) – project summary Preberi več »

Open letter to the EU Commission on involving civil society in the preparation of the National strategic roadmap for Digital Decade in Slovenia

The Institute for Electronic Participation, a non-governmental organisation with public interest status in the field of information society development, has sent an open letter to the European Commission highlighting the lack of respect for the principles of public participation in the process of adopting the National strategic roadmap for the Digital Decade. Also, none of

Open letter to the EU Commission on involving civil society in the preparation of the National strategic roadmap for Digital Decade in Slovenia Preberi več »

Code of Conduct consultation on Information Integrity on Digital Platforms

Institute for Electronic Participation participated in a Code of Conduct consultation on Information Integrity on Digital Platforms. Our director, Simon Delakorda, contributed to the consultation topic addressing digital platforms user empowerment. He highlighted the alarming trend of declining of the on-line public sphere as a result of business models of digital platforms. Digital platforms are

Code of Conduct consultation on Information Integrity on Digital Platforms Preberi več »

Digital crowdsourcing for better air quality in Europe

The hybrid conference shared experiences and discussed practical aspects of using crowdsourcing method for citizen’s e-participation in policy-making for better air quality in Europe. Experts, activists and policy-makers in the field of on-line engagement and environmental policies came together to highlight current challenges and presented innovative approaches in co-creating European and national air quality policies

Digital crowdsourcing for better air quality in Europe Preberi več »