
Co-deciding Europe project results

The CODE Europe project piloted a digital crowdsourcing process in six European countries on the subject of air quality. During the four crowdsourcing phases which ran from January 2022 till January 2023, a total of 98.224 European citizens participated on-line in Problem Mapping, Problem Solving, Ideas Selection and Policy Formulation. Based on the crowdsourced contributions […]

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Co-creating digital policies in Slovenia (CODIS) – project summary

The CODIS project has opened up and highlighted key challenges in democratic decision-making, public consultation and the relationship between civil society and the state in the field of digital transformation policy in Slovenia. Project summary highlights significant activities and achievements, main outcomes and impact as well the follow-up of the project.

Co-creating digital policies in Slovenia (CODIS) – project summary Preberi več »

Study on digital participation tools for youth engagement in local governance

European consortium of 5 organizations, including the Institute for Electronic Participation, has collected practice examples of digital tools that strengthen youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level. These tools and practices were gathered with a particular focus on Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Slovenia, and are meant to serve as a resource for youth

Study on digital participation tools for youth engagement in local governance Preberi več »

E-Participation Assessment Framework

The assessment framework for e-participation (AFeP) is aimed to support a result-oriented implementation of e-participation for democratic governance in digital society. The framework, developed as a part of the Co-Deciding Europe project can be used as a theoretical platform for the elaboration of success criteria and success factors, for comparative assessment of e-participation initiatives, as

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