The project aimed at monitoring the implementation of the Slovenian National digital decade strategic roadmap with focus on assessing the selected measures relating to an inclusive digital transformation, engaging citizens into informed civic discussion aiming at identifying recommendations to the national strategic roadmap update and rising public awareness of the national roadmap by project outreach and dissemination.
Table of contents
Recognition by the European Commission
General information
Grant beneficiary: | Zavod Inštitut za elektronsko participacijo (INePA) – Institute for Electronic Participation |
Project duration: | 15.05.2024 / 19.11.2024 |
Project country: | Slovenia |
Project website: | |
Public summary delivered: | 09.12.2024 |
Public summary updated: | 30.01.2025 |
Project description: | CODIS 2 project information |
Project executive summary: | CODIS 2 project executive summary (pdf) |
Project funded by: | Grant-making to ECAS Members in the EU – 2024 |
The main project results
- 14 comments and proposals for the National digital decade strategic roadmap update prepared as part of civic dialogue process addressing digital inclusion, digital citizenship, digital rights and principles;
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility principles incorporated into the national roadmap update proposals;
- Pilot methodology for gathering data and monitoring public policy measures in the field of digital transformation established;
- The first shadow report on implementation of the National digital decade strategic roadmap created;
- 6 comments and proposals were fully or partially included by the Ministry of Digital Transformation into the draft Action Plan of the Digital Slovenia 2030 Strategy (updated National Strategic Plan for the Digital Decade) including the principles of technological neutrality and digital sovereignty, external evaluation of the results and impact of digital inclusion actions, the revision of the national baseline for the share of the population with at least basic skills and a corresponding revision of the existing national trajectory for reaching the target of 80% of the population with at least basic digital skills by 2030, support to NGOs policy networks projects in the field of digital competences, update of the guidelines for the development of government IT solutions for the use of open source approaches and open standards and the update of the participation of Slovenia in the implementation of the European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) for Digital Commons multi-country project.
Project deliverables
- D1.1 On-line visualisation dashboard for monitoring the progress of implementation of 13 actions and corresponding financial allocations in the Slovenian National strategic roadmap for digital decade relating to an inclusive digital transformation (Documentation in English).
- D1.2 Briefing reports (shadow report) on the monitoring of the implementation of selected actions of the National strategic roadmap for digital decade with focus on an inclusive digital transformation progress. Reports include monitoring the implementation against the recommendations from the ECAS Guidelines on digital transformation. (English summary – Digital skills (p.4); English summary – Digital infrastructure (p.4); English summary – General objectives (p.4)).
- D2.1 Experts recommendations on improving the governance of the national strategic roadmap. Recommendations address the following areas of an inclusive digital transformation: Internet as a public good, Competences for living in a digital environment, Security and privacy on the internet, The right to a healthy analogue lifestyle and Democratisation of decision-making on digital transformation (English summary).
- D2.2 CSOs and individuals recommendations to the national strategic roadmap update with focus on an inclusive digital transformation addressing digital inclusion of elderly, digital accessibility of people with special needs and digital literacy of people from rural areas (English summary).
- D3.1 Press release presenting key takeaways from the shadow report on monitoring the National digital decade strategic roadmap implementation and proposals for the roadmap update with focus on digital inclusion (English version).
The main lesson learned
Democratic governance at the national level represents a key precondition for an accountable and meaningful progress toward achieving of the European digital decade goals. Currently, there is a significant lack of democratic governance in the area of digital transformation policy-making in Slovenia.
Recognition by the European Commission
The European Commission recognized Co-creating digital policies in Slovenia 2 project as the best practice of civil society monitoring roadmap implementation in its Digital Decade Country Report 2024 (p. 28-29, section Building a safe and human centric digital environment and preserving our democracy).
The country report also refers to CODIS Phase I project of the Slovenian national network of non-governmental organisations, led by the Institute for Electronic Participation, which accompanied the public consultation on adopting the national Digital Decade strategic roadmap in a structured manner in accordance with Article 7 of the Digital Decade Policy Programme Decision (Country Report 2024, p. 31, Annex I – National roadmap analysis).
The follow-up of the project
On 20 January 2025, the National network of NGOs for an inclusive information society (Network NVO-VID) and the Consortium of NGO policy networks of Slovenia jointly submitted policy proposals to the draft Action Plan of the Digital Slovenia 2030 Strategy (National Strategic Plan for the Digital Decade update) addressing implementation of the Declaration on European Digital Rights and Principles and the ECAS Civil Society Recommendations & Digital Inclusion Guidelines. The proposals, submitted as a part of the public consultation on draft action plan, also included those of the CODIS 2 project not yet considered by the Ministry of Digital Transformation:
- Implementing actions on digital literacy (competences) more efficiently, cost-effectively and in a technology-neutral way;
- Implementing the action on digital literacy according to the train the trainer concept;
- Action to improve the implementation of legislation in the field of online accessibility;
- Action to strengthen democratic processes and decision-making through digital technologies;
- Action to ensure access to computer equipment for the beneficiary organisations (including NGOs) in accordance with Digital Inclusion Promotion Act;
- Inclusion of the EDIC Digital Commons multi-country project into the national plan;
- Action to support NGOs in activities in the field of artificial intelligence.
Both the Network NVO-VID and the Consortium of NGO policy networks of Slovenia are expecting to receive feedback from the ministry to the policy proposals submitted.
The project “Co-creating digital policies in Slovenia Phase II (CODIS 2)” received funding by European Citizen Action Service (ECAS)’ regranting scheme of the European Citizenship Accelerator (EURECA) project, co-funded by the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors and the Institute for Electronic Participation only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or ECAS. Neither the European Union nor ECAS can be held responsible for them.
CODIS 2 project executive summary prepared by mag. Simon Delakorda, director at the Institute for Electronic Participation.