Digital crowdsourcing for better air quality in Europe

The hybrid conference shared experiences and discussed practical aspects of using crowdsourcing method for citizen’s e-participation in policy-making for better air quality in Europe. Experts, activists and policy-makers in the field of on-line engagement and environmental policies came together to highlight current challenges and presented innovative approaches in co-creating European and national air quality policies in dialogue with the citizens.


Crowdsourcing is a participatory democracy mechanism that takes advantage of the availability of technological solutions to solicit and analyse “the wisdom of the crowd“.

Digital Crowdsourcing represents an opportunity for a large scale citizens participation as shown by the Co-Deciding Europe crowdsourcing experiment. During the first phase of the pilot, 2385 comments about the major problems with an air quality were identified and 625 suggestions for solutions were provided on-line by citizens from 6 cities across Europe. Suggested solutions such as supporting renewable energy infrastructures, car-free and greener cities, strengthen public transport network in non-urban areas, increased cycling and walking infrastructures, building insulations and taxing big polluters were formulated by citizens and experts into policy proposals on air quality.

Attendance and video recording

The conference “Digital crowdsourcing for better air quality in Europe” was held in English language and live streamed online via YouTube channel Studio12tv. 78 people watched the conference on-line and 24 attended in person. The video recording of the conference is available on .

For any information on the event, please contact Simon Delakorda, Institute for Electronic Participation (


Conference agenda

Hybrid conference

“Digital crowdsourcing for better air quality in Europe

Radisson Blu Plaza hotel Ljubljana (Conference room, 15th floor), Slovenia

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Draft programme (CET)

9:00-9:30 | Registration

9:30-9:45 | Welcome and opening speeches

9:45-10:30 | Session 1: Crowdsourcing as an e-participation method

10:30-10:40 | Coffee break

10:40-12:00 | Discussion Panel 1: Addressing challenges of citizens e-participation in policy-making (facilitator Simon Delakorda, INePA, Slovenia)

12:00-13:00 | Lunch break

13:00-13:30 | Session 2: Citizens’ crowdsourcing on improving air quality in Europe

13:30-14:50 | Discussion Panel 2: Co-creating European and national air quality policies in dialogue with citizens (facilitator Iveta Kazoka, Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS, Latvia)

14:50-15:00 | Conference closing


The conference is organized under the “Co-Deciding Europe: Civic Tech for Good Governance and Active Citizenship!” project ( aiming to empowering citizens to co-create policies with decision makers through Crowdsourcing.

This conference benefits from a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation.