The seventh EUCROWD public event took place in Helsinki on 11th October 2017. The international conference-type workshop “Open Democracy in Practice: Crowdsourcing” organized by Avoin Ministeriö brought together 47 citizens from 7 different countries. The workshop presented cases and experiences of crowdsourcing in Finland and discussed possibilities and challenges for crowdsourcing in European, national and local levels. Learning from these cases contributed to drafting a crowdsourcing pilot at the EU level.
Programme | Full report | Presentations |
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Seminar programme 11th October 2017 (click on “View Details”)
Full report
Open Democracy in Practice: Crowdsourcing (pdf).
Jyrki Jauhiainen, Ministry of Justice (Finland): Citizens to Participate in Drafting Laws! Experiences about Crowdsourcing (pptx direct download).
Petri Takala, Gofore & TEK (Finland): Making data driven decisions based on personal values, case TEK (pptx direct download).
Juuso Heinisuo & Niklas Lähteenmäki, City of Hämeenlinna (Finland): Gamified urban planning (pdf in Finnish).
Kimmo Hokkanen & Tanja Korvenmaa, Ehta Raha (Finland): Crowdfunding for Collaborative economy (in Finnish).
Heikki Saxén, The Finnish Institute of Bioethics (Finland): Possibilities for Crowdsourcing for Genomic Citizenship.
Karri-Pekka Korolainen & Juha Repo, Pentaleap oy (Finland): Electorate, The civic engagement app. Influence the decisions of your life.
Jouni Tuomisto, National Institute for Health and Welfare THL (Finland): Shared understanding for well-informed decision-making.
Jani Pellikka, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Finland): Citizen observations as knowledge base for decision-making in wildlife management.
Teele Pehk, foundation Estonian Cooperation Assembly (Estonia): Estonian People’s Assembly on the Future of Ageing, crowdsourcing process for renewing the pension system built on the citizen initiatives platform rahvaalgatus.ee.
Photo gallery
More photos: EUCROWD Helsinki Galleria 11th October 2017
Twitter moment
EUCROWD conference-type workshop in Helsinki
The EUCROWD event in Helsinki was organized by Avoin ministeriö with the financial support of the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union.